42 research outputs found

    NEARBY Platform: Algorithm for Automated Asteroids Detection in Astronomical Images

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    In the past two decades an increasing interest in discovering Near Earth Objects has been noted in the astronomical community. Dedicated surveys have been operated for data acquisition and processing, resulting in the present discovery of over 18.000 objects that are closer than 30 million miles of Earth. Nevertheless, recent events have shown that there still are many undiscovered asteroids that can be on collision course to Earth. This article presents an original NEO detection algorithm developed in the NEARBY research object, that has been integrated into an automated MOPS processing pipeline aimed at identifying moving space objects based on the blink method. Proposed solution can be considered an approach of Big Data processing and analysis, implementing visual analytics techniques for rapid human data validation.Comment: IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Sep 6-8, 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romani

    Asteroids Detection Technique: Classic "Blink" An Automated Approch

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    Asteroids detection is a very important research field that received increased attention in the last couple of decades. Some major surveys have their own dedicated people, equipment and detection applications, so they are discovering Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) daily. The interest in asteroids is not limited to those major surveys, it is shared by amateurs and mini-surveys too. A couple of them are using the few existent software solutions, most of which are developed by amateurs. The rest obtain their results in a visual manner: they "blink" a sequence of reduced images of the same field, taken at a specific time interval, and they try to detect a real moving object in the resulting animation. Such a technique becomes harder with the increase in size of the CCD cameras. Aiming to replace manual detection, we propose an automated "blink" technique for asteroids detection.Comment: Conference: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR), 24-26 May 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romani

    NEARBY Platform for Detecting Asteroids in Astronomical Images Using Cloud-based Containerized Applications

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    The continuing monitoring and surveying of the nearby space to detect Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are essential because of the threats that this kind of objects impose on the future of our planet. We need more computational resources and advanced algorithms to deal with the exponential growth of the digital cameras' performances and to be able to process (in near real-time) data coming from large surveys. This paper presents a software platform called NEARBY that supports automated detection of moving sources (asteroids) among stars from astronomical images. The detection procedure is based on the classic "blink" detection and, after that, the system supports visual analysis techniques to validate the moving sources, assisted by static and dynamical presentations.Comment: IEEE 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), Cluj-Napoca, Romani

    Endoscopic colloid cyst resection by puncture of the medial wall of lateral ventricle, posterior to the foramen of Monro: Case presentation

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    No consensus among neurosurgeons has been reached so far concerning optimal therapeutic strategy for colloids cysts, especially as these are non-invasive,slow-growing, benign lesions. In symptomatic cases, endoscopic resection can be achieved as first intention when it seems to have a cyst containing fluid and there is ventriculomegaly. Cyst location and degree of superior distension of the third ventricle roof, associated with the emergence of Monro’s foramen can cause problems when using a rigid endoscope, the visualisation being impossible or difficult. Posterior interventricular foramen puncture may be helpful in such cases

    RAPD-inferred genetic variability of some indigenous Rhizobium leguminosarum isolates from red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) nodules

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    The application of commercial rhizobial inoculants to legume crops is proving to be an alternative to synthetic fertilizer use. The challenge for sustainable agriculture resides in the compatibility between crop, inoculants and environmental conditions. The evaluation of symbiotic efficiency and genetic diversity of indigenous rhizobial strains could lead to the development of better inoculants and increased crop production. The genetic variability of 32 wild indigenous rhizobial isolates was assessed by RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). The strains were isolated from red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) nodules from two distinct geographical regions of Northern and Eastern Romania. Three decamer primers were used to resolve the phylogenetic relationships between the investigated isolates. Cluster analysis revealed a high diversity; most strains clustered together based on their geographical location

    Rare location of a colloid cyst: Case presentation

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    Not only pituitary adenomas, but also a number of tumors may arise from within the sella presenting a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge at a multidisciplinary specialist level. This article presents a case of a colloid cyst located in sellar region, with overlapping symptoms of a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma

    Nerve sheath tumor, benign neurogenic slow-growing solitary neurilemmoma of the left ulnar nerve: A case and review of literature

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    This paper represent a report of a case with ulnar nerve schwannoma(neurilemmoma), benign neurogenic slow-growing, tumors originating from Schwann cells along the course of a nerve (1) (2) (3). Schwannomas are the most common tumors of the peripheral nerves which occur in the adults (0.8–2%) (5). Usually they progress slowly and so they can remain painless swellings for a few years before other symptoms appear. Most of these lesions could be diagnosed clinically, are mobile in the longitudinal plane along the course of the involved nerve but not in the transverse plane (7). EMG, MRI, and ultrasonography are useful tools in the diagnosis. The definitive treatment of benign peripheral nerve schwannomatosis is complete enucleation of the tumor mass without damaging the intact nerve fascicles followed by confirmatory hystopathological examination (12). We present the case of a 62 years old right hand-dominant female who notice a slow increasing bulge over the inner aspect of her distal volar left forearm superior to the wrist, for a longer period of time not exactly specified; this was tracked and associated by pain, tingling and numbness over inner one and half fingers of her left hand in progress until the presentations. A diagnosis of soft-tissue tumor was presumed clinically. The other investigations were ultrasonography (US), nerve conduction studies (NCSs) such as sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) and compound muscle action potential (CMAP). In this case IRM was suggestive of a benign growth in her left ulnar nerve in the forearm region. Microsurgical techniques were used for ample enucleation of the tumor the distal volar left forearm. Subsequent histopathological examination confirmed the presumed diagnosis of a benign cellular schwannoma. At her last follow-up one month after surgery, the patient was neurological gradually improving sensory and motor function and she is highly satisfied with the results of surgery

    Variation in the susceptibility of blackberry varieties to Drosophila suzukii infestation

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    Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is an invasive polyphagous species, that is frequently found in blackberry culture, affecting the commercial value of fruits. Between 2020-2021, in the blackberry collection of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), were carried out observations on susceptibility of five cultivated varieties (‘Thornless’, ‘Loch Ness’, ‘Thornfree’, ‘Thornless Evergreen’ and ‘Navaho’) to D. suzukii. In 2020, the attack frequency in the whole collection was 78.2%. ‘Thornfree’ had the highest attack frequency, 89% while ‘Loch Ness’ was the least susceptible with a frequency of attack of 71%. In 2021, the overall proportion of damaged fruits in the collection was 59.6%. The most susceptible was ‘Thornless’ with an attack frequency of 66% and ‘Thornless Evergreen’ with only 49%. The incidence of infestation by the spotted-wing Drosophila suzukii is influenced by the thermal characteristics of the year, with temperatures higher than 30 °C impacting the fertility of females and the viability of eggs. In the year 2020, the average number of larvae per fruit collected was 6.4, while the average number of larvae in the ‘Loch Ness’ cultivar was 9.4, with a maximum of 48 larvae per fruit. In 2021, an average of 3.4 larvae per fruit were observed, with variations ranging from 2.8 larvae in the ‘Thornfree’ cultivar to 4.2 larvae in the ‘Navaho’ cultivar

    Ex Vivo Aneurysm models mimicking real cases for the preoperative training of the clipping technique

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    Training in a specialty like cerebrovascular neurosurgery becomes more and more difficult as the access to training is limited by the increasing number of neurosurgical departments and the lack of expert centers for specific pathology. This is why an increased investment in experimental training is encountered in many centers worldwide. The best models for training the clipping technique are ex Vivo on cadaveric heads aneurysm models, animal models or augmented reality models. We present a few ex Vivo models of aneurysms mimicking ACOA, ACM bifurcation and basil are tip aneurysms using a pulsed continuous perfusion system. Clipping training on aneurysm models is an invaluable tool both for the residents and for the specialists with a special interest in cerebrovascular surgery